Women of N.O.W. is a digital exhibition and is the second in a series of three projects featuring voices of women in society led by Festival of Women: N.O.W. Artistic Director, Noorlinah Mohamed. The series began with Power of Letters (2019), spotlighting women advocates in advancing equal rights for women in Singapore through letter writing to the forum pages of the nation’s newspapers.
In Women of N.O.W., the digital exhibition features the narratives of over 35 women and their socially-conscious and engaged endeavours to connect and support the communities they work with.
Each woman tells a story of early influence and their critical engagement with needs and gaps of diverse communities. From social services, to social cohesion, from education to advocacy, from migrant worker rights to resource management, these women exemplify the commitment to raise awareness of the overlooked gaps in our society. They do this with ingenuity, humour, reflexivity and creativity; each finding different ways to achieve what they need, to benefit the communities they work with.
Exhibition begins 4 June 2020
If you are in the position to give, we would appreciate your support for T:>Care –
a Creative Action Resilience Enabling initiative by T:>Works.
In solidarity and alliance, T:>Care supports projects created and developed by women to make positive change in our communities.
An anonymous donor has pledged, up to S$10,000, to match all donations to this campaign, dollar for dollar.
Upon your donation by 10 August 2020 to the T:>Care initiative, T:>Works will divide the contributions equally and donate to seven urgencies and projects. They are:
- Keeping Hope Alive
- 3Pumpkins
- The Codette Project
- Project X
- ItsRainingRaincoats
- Project Chulia Street
- N.O.W.
The projects are featured as part of N.O.W. 2020 projects, Women of N.O.W. – a digital exhibition.
This year more than ever the need for financial assistance becomes more apparent and urgent. COVID-19 has affected not just the financial stability of individuals and families, but also the many organisations that rely on funding to sustain the good work it does with and for different communities.
Starting 2020, T:>Care, established and administered by T:>Works, will identify a select group of urgencies including N.O.W., a women championing women project, initiated by artist and arts educator Noorlinah Mohamed. N.O.W. is an all-women platform in Singapore. It amplifies the work that women creatives, change makers, and social champions do to advance issues affecting women at the intersection of gender, class, and race. A relevant platform in the ecosystem, it privileges collaborations across different disciplines and social sectors. N.O.W. positions engagement with concerns women are passionate and creative about.
As T:>Works is an Institute of Public Character (IPC) with charitable status, your contribution will be accompanied by a 250% Tax Deduction Receipt (TDR).
For more information on your donations, please write to Ong Soo Mei at tworks@singnet.com.sg